We are so happy for the both of you!
The stand where they were married
Daddy and Molly
Nate's parents
Grampy and the twins
The grooms mens and the bridesmaids

Colby, Braden and Kyle
Bre dropping the flower petals
Here comes the boys they carried the rings on a shell.
Waiting for the bride
Here comes the bride

The Ceremony

First kiss as husband and wife
Mr. and Mrs. Ball

Shelby getting a kiss from the bride
Kristy, Garrett and Hannah
Daddy and his girls
Katie and Aunt Bonnie
Nate and his parents
The new couple
Brooke and Meghan
Corey, Jananne, Brooke and Garrett
Throwing the garter
Kelly Alice
Throwing the flowers
Kelly and Brandon caught the goodies

The 8 Curtis Girls

Molly Anna
Nadine and Aunt Brenda

Hanging out on the car
Molly and Brody
A pouting Shelby
Best of Buddies
Ryan, Theressa and Karli
Duane, Andrea and the Girls
The deGroot Family
The kids all in the Jeep
Checking out the horses
Molly, Aunt Brenda and Lila
Cutting The Cake
A good kiss after the cake cutting.
They got pelted with bird seed
Molly was grabbing her share of seed
Off they go
I know I posted lots of pictures but they were so good
Nate's parents
I coulnt resist them. Everyone looked so beautiful.
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