Jobe, Mamie, Brody, Shelby and Molly

Friday, February 6, 2009

Rain Forest Cafe

Brody thought the volcano cake they brought him was great. This thing was huge 3 huge wedges of like a brownie cake ice cream and whip cream in the middle and top and then choclate sauce running down all the sides. YUMMY Wow they brought me out a cake

He is like his Mother he got embarrassed when they brought the cake out.
Dad getting some love
The girls
Me and my brown eyed girl
Molly checking out the elephants
We sat right beside this fish tank the kids loved it
some of the fish
Brody actually was a little scared when everything got moving
Daddy, Molly and Brody
We had a great meal and lots of fun checking everything out and then we went out and walked around the mall. I had to go to the bathroom so Jobe took the kids up the escalator and Shelby fell over backwards and split her head. Thank goodness for some kind ladies they carried Molly down and then Mall security came. We put a diaper on it till it stopped bleeding. We ended up not going to the hospital she seemed ok. About 10 minutes after it happened she wanted to go back up. She keeps telling me that her head is killing her.

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